At the end of the term, my head teacher gave me a box of candy, with a big 'thanks' on it. She thanked me for being a valuable member of the team, which made me think what team work is about...
Teamwork is about communication. Just like recently we decided to support children's emerging interest in superhero play. Every teacher in the team has a slightly different perspective on the learning outcomes. Some aim to support physical and active play; some see it as an opportunity to develop social and communication skills, some want to acknowledge interests coming from home and the wider community and so on. While my personal approach is to promote imagination and creativity in children, I decided to share my ideas and teaching strategies with other in the team, so that implementing the superhero play was a team effort. In the office, we have a pin board for communication among ourselves. So, I printed out some readings, highlighted my favorite sections and pinned them up.
Since the beginning of this year, we have been using ICT to enhance communication among ourselves. we discovered
google docs, which allows us to collaborate on ways to extend children's learning. Earlier in summer, when one teacher noticed children's curiosity in watching Monarch butterflies, she created a document to record what children talk about butterflies. Everyone in the team kept adding children's voices they heard. When we subsequently sat down at the planning meeting, we had a rich source of information about what underlying questions and concepts children were exploring. Now, we use google docs to share children's interests, parents' feedback, and suggestions and ideas. Of course, virtual conversation cannot be replaced by face to face discussion.
Teamwork is about acts of kindness, such as the head teacher giving out a box of candy to everyone in the team to show her gratefulness after a busy term. They are inexpensive mixed lollies, but it's the thought that counts. Also, we have a beverages list on the kitchen wall, detailing what we like, such Judy likes white tea without sugar, Karen likes plunger coffee one sugar no milk, Kim likes instant or plunger white coffee no sugar etc. When we make our own cup of tea, we will think about whether the rest of the team need a hot drink or not. People like to have social support and a feeling of personal worth at their work place.
Teamwork is about a shared vision. We understand that we are working together for the interests of the children, their family, and the kindergarten community as a whole. While the team needs to feel the same about certain fundamental issues, such as the philosophy of the kindergarten, it's very important that we can agree to disagree in other situations, because there are always several effective ways or solutions to most problems. Also, we need to respect and value each other for who they are and their contributions, so we will continue to grow and learn from each other.
Nevertheless, we all like to have a feeling of certainty about our beliefs and often gain affirmation through shared values and understanding. Team professional development is an effective means to achieve that. Rather than sending one or two teachers to a workshop, the whole team go. This can increase the overall performance of the team, just like what
Jones Shoemaker describes as " synergy, in which the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts".
The team is going to attend a workshop by Ann Pelo during the first week of school holidays. I'll report back soon.